
The Shape of Sola Scriptura is unavailable, but you can change that!

In what shape do we find the doctrine of sola Scriptura today? Many modern Evangelicals see it as a license to ignore history and the creeds in favor of a more splintered approach to the Christian living. In the past two decades, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox apologists have strongly tried to undermine sola Scriptura as unbiblical, unhistorical, and impractical. But these groups rest their...

In its zeal to overturn all that was wrong with the Church, the Radical Reformation resulted in “a hyper-criticism which supposed that because it could discern the errors of the past, it had been released from the errors of the present and inoculated against the errors of the future.”9 It is important to realize that there were two very different versions of the sola scriptura principle which were advanced during the sixteenth-century Reformation. The first concept, advocated by magisterial Reformers
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